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Technology News covers the world of hardware, software and everything in between. From big names like Google and Apple to tiny startups vying for your attention, Tech News has it all.

A computer science doctoral candidate aims to be a university president. But first he has to get through this summer.


From giants like Apple and Google to tiny startups vying for your attention, technology is transforming the world at a dizzying pace. Staying informed about the latest hardware, software and apps is more important than ever before. But the news about technology goes beyond just gadgets to include how these technologies affect society.

Mainstream media has offered the public a split vision of how information technology influences society, according to a study by the Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism. Positive messages about technology making life easier vie with concerns about privacy, child predators and shrinking attention spans. The study looked at 953 technology stories in print and online over a 13-month period. The authors coded each story for the presence of one of eight underlying technology themes.

The most prominent theme was the belief that technology enables people to live happier and more fulfilled lives. Other themes included the idea that the internet is a place where people can express themselves freely and the promise that technology will improve health care. The study also found that the media tended to focus on positive rather than negative aspects of technology.

Despite the pandemic, digital journalism will continue to thrive this year as platforms expand their offerings and audiences. Expect more podcasts and an emphasis on mobile content and new distribution channels. It will also be an interesting year for the future of social media and tech companies. As the Coronavirus crisis has prompted scrutiny of the way that these giants manage their content, it is likely that they will shift toward more interventionist approaches to harmful and unreliable content and a more structured system for supporting journalism.

The future of technology in the media industry will also be influenced by the rise of brand journalism, which is an increasingly popular strategy for marketing. This type of journalism focuses on content such as blog posts, social media posts and email blasts that promote specific products or brands. It is often used in conjunction with traditional journalism to build brand awareness and sales.