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How Laser Hair Removal Can Remove Unwanted Hair on Your Body

Jan 24, 2021 | Blog

By Gerald

Laser hair removal has been around for many years but it’s still not as widely used today as it once was. One reason may be the expense of the procedure. Laser hair removal can cost up to three thousand dollars, and depending on the area where you live, it can cost even more. Even with those expenses, laser hair removal still has a lot of benefits that are worth the price.

laser hair removal

With laser hair removal, the laser energy actually causes physical damage to the hair bulb. That’s because laser light is actually converted into heat when it goes through your skin. The heat is then absorbed by the melanin located deep in your skin, causing the hair to be destroyed.

The best laser systems today have lasers that can work with different wavelengths. While most devices will only work with wavelengths that are between fifty and red, new indy laser systems work with wavelengths as high as nine hundred and twelve. These lasers allow the skin to absorb the laser energy without any harm to the pigment or skin cells.

Another benefit of laser hair removal is that the procedure can target unwanted hair growth. Because the laser light actually destroys the hair bulb, it leaves behind healthy skin that can grow back. While the skin will be a bit lighter than the surrounding skin, it’s still healthy and looks natural.

Laser treatments can also be done on people who have other forms of body hair removal. People who have waxing or tweezing treatments on their bodies can benefit from laser hair removal as well. This means that you can get rid of the hair on your bikini line, upper lip or chin without the worry of having unwanted side effects. If you have more than one type of treatment to deal with, then it may be worth it to consider the combined results. The treatments will all work together and you’ll get a smooth finish.

As you look for a way to get rid of that unwanted hair on your body, laser hair removal is a great option. It works great on men and women and you don’t have to worry about complications like waxing or tweezing. You will find that you can go in at any time of day or night, even in cold weather, and have a smooth finish. That’s important when you’re trying to make someone else feel good about themselves. Choose laser hair removal and you’ll look great!

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