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Health Claims & Complications of Pink Salt

Dec 23, 2020 | Blog

By Gerald

pink salt

Health Claims & Complications of Pink Salt

Himalayan pink salt is naturally mined in the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains. It was first used in cooking to add flavor and moisture to foods. Today, it has become one of the world’s most popular natural ingredients. Pink salt is pink in color because of mineral impurities. It is a sodium salt that is made by evaporating water to dry out the minerals in brine water. It is healthier than table salt because it doesn’t contain manmade chemicals.

Himalayan pink salt is a variety of sea salt mined primarily from the Himalayan Mountains of Pakistan and India. The salt, which sometimes has a pink tint due to minerals, is primarily employed for cooking and food preparation, but is also now used for spa treatment and decorative lighting. It is used for various recipes around the world and is a popular additive for various foods at restaurants. The popularity of Himalayan pink salt is attributed to its delectable flavor and texture, its ability to enhance flavor without clumping, its natural color, and it’s environmentally friendly characteristics. It is a healthier alternative to table salt because it doesn’t add harmful chemicals and is better for your body. Himalayan Sea Salt is considering an environmental steward, because it makes sure that the mining and harvesting of the salt are done only after following strict regulations set by the government of Nepal and Pakistan.

In addition to its benefits for your health, Himalayan pink salt is considered a weight loss aid because it promotes more efficient digestion and utilization of food. It regulates the blood pressure and lowers high blood sugar levels. It helps control appetite and cravings, promotes digestion, and aids in weight loss. It lowers bad cholesterol levels and increases the good ones. On a side note, regular salt is loaded with trace minerals, particularly potassium and magnesium, that are beneficial to our bodies in so many other ways.

As compared to regular table salt which has a low sodium content, Himalayan pink salt has a very high sodium content because of its rich mineral content which makes up for about 95% of its weight. It also contains calcium, magnesium, iron, and manganese, as well as potassium and phosphorus. Because it has such a high sodium content, it should be avoided because it causes the formation of crystals which can clog the kidneys. As compared to other mineral-rich alternatives, it has very low sodium content. It is a safe alternative to regular table salt when it comes to increasing sodium consumption.

Himalayan pink salt’s delectable pink color makes it one of the most popular of all salts available. Its distinctive pink color is because of the mineral composition used to create it. A combination of carbonic and phosphoric materials, pink Himalayan salt does not undergo any chemical reaction during its manufacturing process making it safe to be included in any dish you would prepare. Moreover, its delectable flavor makes it a perfect seasoning for any food you would prepare.

However, while Himalayan pink salt makes a healthy snack, make sure not to overuse it. Since it contains trace minerals, it should be taken in moderate doses and should not be taken too often as its effects could be short-lived. Taking too much of this salt could also lead to complications in people with high blood pressure. If you have any health concerns, talk to your doctor before taking any supplements.

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